Should I continue...

... blogging? should I? Or should I just leave this blog for what it is? my travel diary for the years I spent in Japan.

Since I've been getting mail from allot of people during these 2 years asking me questions about studying in Japan, I'm thinking it would be best to just leave it as it is, incase someone stumbles in and needs some questions answered. On the other hand it feels like a waste not to continue blogging here since, well, I've put allot of effort in this blog and would be fun to keep it going. Even if it turns to be a blog about my boring life in Sweden.

So what do you all say? Maybe I should just start a new blog?... ah the choices!


Anonymous said...

bah swedish.

starta en ny vettja. Du skulle t.ex kunna använda där du visar olika trix och recenserar olika "stockar" ;D

SeniiL said...

Hahaha! Ja det vore något! finns ju ett markant ökat intresse för tumstockar i Sverige de senaste året.

Anonymous said...

a lot, not allot.