"Kyoto Culture"

As I said on my twitter, right over here ------------------------------------------------------>
I went with my "Kyoto Culture" class on a small trip down town to see some famous places and temples that are hardly seen because of the hidden locations.

We've had great weather for a couple of weeks now in a row, so of-course it started raining today. Anyway, it was a nice tour and i even found a game for my ps2 for 50¥ (roughly 5 Kr) so I'm happy! I'll probably won't touch it because it was a soccer game, but hey! 50¥!


Karro said...

Haha det är lite Pasi-varning det där, köpa grejer som man egentligen kanske aldrig kommer använda, bara för att ha och för att det var billigt =P

Var det några häftiga ställen ni besökte då?
